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Macbeth and his wife most likely were equally conscientious in carrying out their separate resonsibilities in the marriage. The play would lead readers and viewers to think of Macbeth as the breadwinner, and Lady Macbeth as the household manager. But it would appear that Lady Macbeth didn't confine herself to household responsibilities. She appeared to involve herself in her husband's responsibilities as the officer of a successful military career. Indeed, her husband appeared to consider her as his confidante and advisor in personal and professional matters. And so it would seem that, in terms of the overall direction of the marriage and career moves, Lady Macbeth held the greater responsibility.

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Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth played significant roles in their own downfall. Lady Macbeth's manipulation and ambition fueled Macbeth's actions, but ultimately, Macbeth made the choice to murder Duncan and continue on a path of bloodshed. Their partnership enabled each other's darker tendencies, leading to their tragic end.

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Q: Who was more responsible in the marriage of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth?
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No, Grouch and Lady Macbeth are not the same person. Grouch is a character from Sesame Street, while Lady Macbeth is a character from William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth." They are from different works of literature and have different personalities and backgrounds.

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Lady Macbeth was the more driven, single-minded, and logical of the couple.

Who is lady Macbeth and what is her internal conflict act 1 scene 1?

Lady Macbeth pushes Macbeth to kill Duncan in act 1. She is stronger and more manly than Macbeth.

Who is more ambitious Macbeth or lady Macbeth?

I would say that Lady Macbeth is the most abitious out of the two.This is simple because the play is based around masculinity and In Lady Macbethsmonologue she says the words "unsex me here" and "Take my milk for gall"If we also look at the play in the moments before Duncan is killed, Macbeth has feelings that he shouldn't go through with what he is told to, but who else is there but Lady Macbeth to force him to see it through.In short, as soon as Lady Macbeth finds out what Macbeth is prophesized to become she really does start to pressure him into "Becoming a man" and fufilling what has been foretold.I hope this helped :)

Who is the more forceful character Macbeth or lady Macbeth?

Lady Macbeth is typically seen as the more forceful character in Shakespeare's play "Macbeth." She is the one who devises the plan to murder King Duncan and pushes Macbeth to take action to fulfill his ambition. Macbeth, on the other hand, wrestles with his conscience and is initially hesitant about committing the murder.

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Lady Macbeth [b. c. 1015] was more responsible than Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057] for the plot against their sovereign, King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040] of Scotland. In Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth said that he didn't want to go through with the murder. Lady Macbeth countered with a fail-safe plan of killing the King and his two royal guards with the latters' own daggers. She also suggested serving drugged drinks to the guards. The King's defenders thereby would be disabled, and stopped from protecting their sovereign and themselves from the Macbeths.

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In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," the three witches are the ones who make the prophecies about Macbeth becoming king. In addition to Lady Macbeth, Macbeth himself learns about the prophecies from the witches and later seeks them out for more information. Ultimately, Macbeth's actions are driven by his desire to fulfill the prophecies and maintain his position as king.

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Loads of actresses have played Lady Macbeth. Some of the more famous are Sarah Siddons, who famously played Lady Macbeth from 1780 to 1812 in various productions. A famous twentieth century Lady Macbeth was Dame Judith Anderson, who played the part in 1937, 1941, 1956 and 1960, most often opposite Maurice Evans.