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Martin Van Buren

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Q: Who was one of Jackson's strongest allies on his official cabinet?
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What were some achievements of the US foreign-policy?

Allies, parties, cabinet, treaties

What part of speech is Allie?

Depends on the usage: Noun: The U.S. and Britain are allies. Verb: Tom always allies himself with the strongest player.

Who was the strongest out of allies and axis?

Allies: Soviet Union (Russia) and United States, both became superpowers after World War 2 Axis: Nazi Germany

What are Allies with US?

The United Kingdom is the U.S.'s strongest ally. Other strong U.S. allies include Canada, South Korea, Australia and Israel.

What date did the allies take over Germany?

VE-Day should be the official date that allies take over Germany which is on 8 May 1945.

What does the term from World War 2 allie mean?

The word allie (example: america's strongest allies are britain and russia) means friend when it comes to country or war. your allie or allies will help you in any way during a war

Why could the battle of d-day be seen as the turning point for world war 2?

Because the allies forces were strengthened and the enemy had lost knowing who was the strongest.

What countries are allies with Australia today?

Officially the only allies that Australia has are; The United States of America and New Zealand, through the ANZUS Treaty. Other countries considered allies such as the United Kingdom have no official alliance, but will most likely aid Australia if it were to be invaded.

Who is Burkina Faso allies with?

France is there number one ally, and French is their official language.

Official name of the Alliance between Germany and its allies?

World War I - the Triple Alliance. World War II - the Axis.

What is an official friendship with another country?

The word "alliance" comes to mind. The allied countries are known as allies.

Why did the Soviet Union suddenly want to become better friends with the US?

In case of war. The Soviet Union understands than we are one of the strongest countries. If they become our allies, we will dominate.