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Galileo Galilei

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Q: Who was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life?
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Because of his beliefs and observations what happend to Galileo?

he was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life by the catholic church after the publishing of his book shortly before his death.

When did Galileo get out of prison?

Galileo was on trial in 1633 and placed under house arrest for nine years until his death in 1642.

Why is Galileo consedered as brave man?

Galileo placed his life in jeopardy when he announced that he discovered a moon circling Jupiter. The discovery went against the Catholic Churches belief that all heavenly bodies circle the Earth. Galileo was forced to recant his discovery and was placed under house arrest for the remainder of his life.

What did the catholic church do to Galileo when he make his theories public?

They excommunicated him and put him under house arrest for life.

How much house arrest you can get max?

for life

Did Galileo stay in house arrest?

Yes, Galileo stayed on house for the rest of his life.

What did the Holy Office demand of Galileo?

The Catholic Church wanted Galileo to go with their idea that the Earth is the center of the solar system as well as the universe. He did so in public since he could have been tortured, imprisoned and even burned at the stake. He was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.

When did Eleanor of Aquitaine get out of jail?

she was never in jail. She was under what could be considered house arrest during the last years of her husband King Henry's life. When he died, she was freed.

Why do you like galileo galilei as a scientist?

He had many great achievements in life,he is committed and dedicated to his work,and though he was under house arrest this does not affect him to continue his cotributions in the field of science.

Was Galileo in prison forever?

Basically. He was put in prison for proving that the sun was in the centre of the universe (well it's not really but you know), and the bible said differently, so he was put under arrest for heresy or something. He somehow got out of life imprisonment and instead was just under house arrest until he died.

What happened to galelio what he supported coperincus's ideas?

he was sentenced to house arrest for the rest of his life

Was Galileo galilei ever put in jail?

He was never put in jail, but he was tried by the Inquisition, found "vehemently suspect of heresy", forced to recant, and spent the rest of his life under house arrest.