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Q: Who was president when the Nazi camps were liberated?
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What brought about the end of Nazi exterminaton camps?

The ending of the Nazi camps came where when the USSR liberated them.

Did the Nazi camps get liberated before Hitler committed suicide?

most did

How did the Jewish become free of the nazi ocupation?

The Jews were liberated from the concentration camps.

How and when did they stop the concentration camps?

Allied troops overran Nazi positions in 1945 and liberated the camps through direct military force.

What is a sentence for concentration camps?

The Allies liberated many Nazi and Axis concentration camps in World War Two.The prisoners of war were sent to concentration camps.

How did people get into the camps of the Holocaust?

Jews were forced into boxcars all across Nazi realms and shipped to camps.When Allies liberated camps, they went into the camps shooting at the guards.

What was the fall of the Holocaust?

The Holocaust ended as individual camps were liberated and finally with the military defeat of Nazi Germany.

When did the liberation of the holocaust take place?

The prisoners in the various Nazi concentration camps were liberated over several months in the winter and spring of 1945, as the Allied armies advanced into the territory where they were located.

When did the US help liberate concentration camps?

Five concentration camps were liberated by US troops, on 11 April 1945 Dora Mittlebau and Buchenwald were reached. On 23 April Flossenburg was liberated, Dachau on the 29th and finally Mauthausen on 4 May. Slaughtered SS members Fierce resistance

What armies liberated the camps?

Allied forces such as Americans, United kingdom, and Soviets liberated the concentration and death camps.

What year were the Jewish people liberated?

When the Soviets started closing in on Poland, they liberated several camps which held Jews as prisoners. But when Germany officaly surrendered on May 7, 1945, all the Jews left who were still living in Nazi occupied territories, were free.

Who finally liberated concentration camps?

The American, British, and Russian soldiers liberated the concentration camps during 1943-1945.