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Thomas Harriot (c. 1560 - 2 July 1621) was an English astronomer, mathematician, ethnographer, and translator. Some sources give his surname as Harriott or Hariot or Heriot. He is sometimes credited with the introduction of the potato to Great Britain and Ireland.[1] Harriot was the first person to make a drawing of the Moon through a telescope, on July 26, 1609, over four months before Galileo.[2] After graduating from Oxford University, Harriot traveled to the Americas on expeditions funded by Raleigh, and on his return he worked for the 9th Earl of Northumberland. At the Earl's house, he became a prolific mathematician and astronomer to whom the theory of refraction is attributed.

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Q: Who was the First person to use refracting telescope?
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What type of telescope does not use visual light energy?

Infrared the answer is a refracting telescope :p

Use refracting telescope in a sentence?

"I logged onto WikiAnswers, went directly to the Astronomy category, and immediately chanced upon a new question that challenged: 'Use refracting telescope in a sentence' . "

Galileo was the first to use what instrument in his line of work?

Galileo did not invent the telescope. The Italian physicist and mathematician improved on an existing spyglass design to create a more powerful one: a refracting telescope that he then used to study the night sky.

What telescope uses an eyepiece and an objective lens?

Practically all telescopes which use lenses, normally the refracting type. the Reflector use objective Concave Mirrors, but even these need eyepieces or finder scopes.

Did Galileo design refracting telescopes?

Many historians explain that Galileo was the first person to use a telescope. In 1610 Galileo discovered Saturn's rings. He also observed Jupiter's four moons and viewed the different phases of Venus. This lead to the study of sunspots and various celestial activities. Even though Galileo is credited with being the first to make practical improvements and enhancements to the use of the telescope, he was not the inventor, and therefore not the first person to use a telescope. That person would be Hans Lippershey. Hans Lippershey was born 1570 in Germany, but was raised in Holland. He invented the first refracting telescope in 1608. A lens maker, he designed this telescope from two lenses and applied for a patent, intending that it would be important for the military. He successfully demonstrated the usefulness of his refracting telescope to the military.

Related questions

What is a refracting and a reflecting telescope?

A refracting telescope is a type of telescope that has a large thin lense at the front and a smaller thicker lense at the end where the eyepiece is. Refracting telescopes use lenses unlike reflecting telescopes that use mirrors to reflect the light. This is a good image of a refracting and reflecting telescope: [See related link]

How do you use a refracting telescope?

use mirrors instead of lenses

What type of telescope does not use visual light energy?

Infrared the answer is a refracting telescope :p

Use refracting telescope in a sentence?

"I logged onto WikiAnswers, went directly to the Astronomy category, and immediately chanced upon a new question that challenged: 'Use refracting telescope in a sentence' . "

Are lens part of a telescope?

-- A refracting telescope must have a lens, otherwise it's not a refracting telescope. -- A reflecting telescope can be constructed without any lens, but if you intend to look through it, then you'll use a little lens for the eyepiece.

What telescope did newton invent?

He invented the reflecting telescope. Galileo was the first to use the telescope for studies of the heavens.

Telescopes that use lenses for focusing light are called what telescopes?

That telescope you are refering to is called a refracting telescope.

Who was the first person to look at stars with a telescope?

While not the inventor of the telescope, Galileo is widely believed to be the first person to use a telescope for astronomy.

Which type of telescope uses concave mirrors to increase the size of the image being viewed?


Galileo was the first to use what instrument in his line of work?

Galileo did not invent the telescope. The Italian physicist and mathematician improved on an existing spyglass design to create a more powerful one: a refracting telescope that he then used to study the night sky.

Does salt use conventional lenses like other telescope?

yes i think it does because it is a refracting lens telescope like the telescope build in Yerkes observatory in 1671 .

How does the refracting telescope use light?

It bends the light with lenses and mirrors, so your answer would be yes.