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There were many, but it sounds as if you are thinking of Oskar Schindler.

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Q: Who was the German businessman who was a member of Nazi party?
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How were you considered a Nazi?

If you were a member of the Nazi party or fought in the Nazi German army at the time. Actually the Nazis were just a powerful party at the time.

Who is a leading member of the German NAZI party?

Carolyn K. Girdwood

What does the word nazi mean?

A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

What political party did Adolf Hitler create?

He was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, in German Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or "Nazi" for short.

How were the Nazis involved in Hitlers election to become the German dictator?

The Nazi was the party and Hitler ran as a member of the party. Just like Trump ran as a member of the Republican Party.

What was the full name of the Nazi Party in German?

In full in GermanNationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP)

What party did the Nazi group belong to?

The Nazi Party - National Socialist German Workers' Party.

What was the name of the Nazi party in the early 1920s?

The predecessor of the Nazi Party was the German Workers Party.

What was the name of the party Hitler became the leader of?

Adolf Hitler joined the German Workers' Party(DAP) on September 12, 1919. In 1921, it changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei(National Socialist German Workers Party or NSDAP), but more commonly referred to as the Nazi party.

What was hitlers relationship with the Nazi party?

He was the leader of the Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers' Party) .

What was Hitler's political party?

Hitlers political party was the National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazi party.

Why did Hitler call the nazi party the nazi party?

Before Hitler joined the Nazi Party, it was know as "the German Workers Party", When Hitler becomes leader of the Germans Workers Party, he renamed it National Socialist German Workers' Party or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. It was sometimes was called NSDAP because of how it's spelt and pronounced in German but the official nickname of the party was "NAZI" hence why it's called Nazi Party.