

Who was the Roman commander in the First Punic War?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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There were several of them, but I think Regulus is the one you probably want.

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Q: Who was the Roman commander in the First Punic War?
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Atilius M. Regulus was a Roman Consul in the First Punic War. He led an invasion of North Africa and was defeated and captured. This element of the First Punic War led Romans to be wary of invading North Africa in the Second Punic War.

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Gaius Lutatius Catulus .

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Hannibal was in Spain when the Second Punic War began, as Carthage had retained its colonies on the Iberian coast after the First Punic War, with Cadiz and New Carthage foremost among them. Barcelona is named after Hannibal's family, Barca. Hannibal actually began the war by beseiging the Roman city of Saguntum on the Iberian coast.

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what was thre first punic war

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Hasdrubal the Boetharch.

Did the Carthaginian or Roman Republic win the Punic War?

The Roman republic on all three of the Punic Wars.

Who was the Roman general who helped with the Second Punic War?

Scipio Africanus led the Roman army in the final phase of the Second Punic War

Who were some of the generals involved in the Punic War?

there was no punic war there was a first,second or third. The Barca's played a huge role in the punic wars and Scipio Africanus was the major roman general for the last two wars