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Q: Who was the Scottish inventor and engineer of the steam engine?
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What type of engineer was James Watt?

He was a mechanical engineer, and or inventor who mainly developed the Newcomen steam engine, which was a fundamental change used in the Industrial Revolution in both the Kingdom of Great Britain and the world.

Who was James watts?

A Scottish inventor and engineer credited with creating many improvements to the steam engine. The electrical Watt is named after him.

What did James watt do for a living?

James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer. Although he is credited for the invention of the steam engine, he only made improvements to it.

Unit of electrical power named after Scottish inventor of the steam engine?

the unit of electrical power named after scottish inventor of steam engine is Watt ( the electrical power ) and the iinventor was James Watt

What did the scottish inventor james watt help to develop?

steam engine

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Who is the scottish engineer who perfected the steam engine in the 1760's?

James Watt

Inventor and engineer who invented and perfected the steam engine 1760's?

Thomas Savery

What was the contribution of James watt in the field of science?

James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer. He improved the steam engine, developed the concept of horse power and invented the copying machine.

Where is the word watt derived from?

James Watt. He was a Scottish inventor who greatly improved the steam engine.

Scottish inventor and engineerwho perfected the steam engine during the 1760's?

James Watt

Who was the Scottish inventor of the first efficient steam engine in 1765?

In 1765, James Watt made improvements to the Newcomen engine, which was inefficient but the best steam engine of its time.