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The Declaration of Independence was created to free the American colonists from the authority of Britain.

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Q: Who was the US separating themselves from in the Declaration of Independence?
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What was the actual majority of the declaration of independence about?

Our rights as "We the people" and it was a declaration of us separating from Great Britain. "What it was about" cannot be expressed better than by it's title. It was a "Declaration of Independence".

What is the main differrence between the declaration of independence and the US constitution?

The Declaration was only a statement that the US was separating itself from Great Britain. The Constitution- the law of the land- is the framework of how the US Government is supposed to function.

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence in us?

george washington wrote the declaration of independence in us

What year was the us declaration of independence written?

The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776.

What were strengths of the Declaration of Independence?

its what gave us our independence from england

What year was US's Declaration of Independence written?

The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776.

What comes after 'We the people' in the 1776 US Declaration of Independence?

That phrase "We the people..." is not in the Declaration of Independence. It is in the US Constitution.

What is the Declaration of Independence about?

The Declaration of Independence declares the colonies' independence from England.

How is the Declaration of Independence different to the us Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration does not list "estate" as a natural right. its wrong doe

What year did the US issue the Declaration of Independence?

The US declared independence in 1776.

What document includes the phrases you hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal?

The Declaration of Independence.

Did the US win their independence in 1777?

The signing of the Declaration of Independence