

Best Answer

Yes they were very good fiends infact Little John was his right hand man.

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Q: Who was the best friend of Robin Hood?
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Who is more famous Robin Hood or Adele?

robin hood is the most famous and the best because my brother IS robin hood

Is will scarlet Robin Hood friend?

Yes he is

Who is most famous Robin Hood or Adele?

robin hood is the most famous and the best because my brother IS robin hood

Who did Robin Hood first meet?

Robin hood first met his fellow friend WIll Scarlet on a journey through Jerusalem to help his trusty made friend Made Mariam.

How is prince john linked to Robin Hood?

Adam from Adam and Eve is related to Robin Hood making all of us related to Robin Hood. He is our brother, cousin, father, as are you my friend.

Who were Robin Hood's friends and companion?

Robin Hoods companions were know as the merry men but his friend was john

Who was robin hoods friend called?

Robin Hood was with Allan A Dale, Friar Tuck, and Little John.

Is Robin Hood a friend or a foe?

If you're rich he's Foe, if you're poor he's Friend.

Who was Robin Hood's companion in Walt Disney's Robin Hood movie?

Little John was Robin Hood's companion in this classic animated film. Robin Hood and his friend Little John live in Sherwood Forest. They steal from the rich and give the money to the poor people of Nottingham.

What is Robin Hood best known for?

He is known for stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor!

Who is robin hood's companion?

Robin Hood's most well-known companion is Little John. He is often portrayed as being Robin Hood's second-in-command and loyal friend who accompanies him on his adventures in Sherwood Forest.

Where can you find accurate information on Robin Hood?

Robin Hood is legend and folklore. Thus, accuracy may just depend on who is articulating the information, and nothing will be based on absolute fact. The best book on the possible actuality of Robin Hood is J.C.Holt's Robin Hood. My novel The Robin Hood Chronicles gets most of its information from Holt's book, though I am more positive in my identification than he is.