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Q: Who was the cisco kids sidekick?
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Related questions

What color was the cisco kids horse?

The cisco kids' horse was piebald: Black and white.

Who was the western hero that always said adios amigo to his sidekick?

The hero Cisco from "The Cisco Kid" would always say "adios amigo". I believe the phrase was "adios amigos" and was directed to the other characters at the end of the story. (Why would he say adios to his sidekick?).

What was the plot of the movie The Cisco Kid?

There have been many movies with the Cisco Kid. The Cisco Kid movie from 1994 with Jimmy Smits was an update of the original Cisco Kid. It was about the Cisco Kid and his sidekick Pancho riding around Mexico and dealing with injustice. They eventually spur peasants on to remove the French imperials lording over them.

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What was cisco kids side kicks poncho horses name?


What color is cisco kids horse?

black and white, well mostly white with black spots.

Are sidekick cell phones good for kids?

It depends how old you child is. If you are at all nervous about him/her being online on you home computer then the sidekick is not for you child. It is basicly an entension on the internet with no bounderies or restrictions.

What was the first sidekick?

Sidekick black and white was the first. It was followed by sidekick color, sidekick 2, sidekick 3, sidekick ID, sidekick lx, sidekick slide, and finally sidekick 2008, and the new sidekick lx 2009 is coming out very soon

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Who played poncho on the cisco kid tv series?

Duncan Renaldo Starred in the 1950s TV series "The Cisco Kid". DOB 4/23/04 Died 09/03/1980 (Age 76, Cancer). Leo Carillo Played Poncho, the mischievous sidekick, in the TV series "The Cisco Kid" DOB 08/06/1881 Died 08/10/1961 (age 80, Cancer). The Cisco Kid stars Duncan Renaldo as Cisco and Leo Carillo as his faithful sidekick and comic foil, Pancho. One of the first television programs to be filmed in color, this classic Western ran from 1950-1956. Set in 1890's New Mexico, Cisco and Pancho fight corruption and seek justice for the victims of bandits, con men and cattle rustlers. With a combination of humor and compassion for their fellow man, Cisco and Pancho have become legendary to television viewers everywhere. In 1980, Renaldo received a Special Lifetime Achievement Award from Nosotros, which honored him for 'providing a positive Hispanic role model for Americans,' and called The Cisco Kid 'a perennial television favorite.' Lars, Chittenengo, NY

Picture of the Cisco Kid's horse?

Cisco's horse was named Diablo (devil), but the part was allegedly played by at least three different horses. One was used for close-up work, another for fast action and stunt scenes, and I suppose the third was used for filler. Cisco's Mexican sidekick rode a horse named Loco (crazy). The Cisco Kid was the first television series to be filmed in color, which made identification of the equine stand-ins easier for devoted viewers.

Is the sidekick 2 the same as the sidekick 2008?

The sidekick 2 is way older than sidekick 2008!! If the sidekick 3 has way more features than sidekick 2 and sidekick 3 is way older than sidekick 2008, so imagine how much better sidekick 2008 is!! Sidekick 2008 has a better camera, faster web browsing, it has way more features. so what am trying to say is that sidekick 2 is not the same as sidekick 2008! hope i helped