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Q: Who was the daughter of priam in greek mythology whose prophecies were fated by Apollo to be true but never believed?
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In Greek mythology who told about the future?

Apollo was the god of prophecies, but he told his prophecies through the oracle of delphi

What is Apollo god of in roman mythology?

It was the same as what he was in Greek mythology- God of Music and Healing. However, he was still called Apollo as the Roman people believed Apollo was one of the most important gods.

What happened between Apollo and Cassandra?

Because Apollo loved Cassandra, he gave her the gift of prophecy. When she refused to return his love, he placed a curse on her so no one believed her prophecies.

What was Apollo's name in Greek mythology?

Apollo's name in both Greek and Roman mythology was Apollo.

How is cassandra in greek mythology knowledgable?

Cassandra was a prophetesses, princess, and priestess who saw the future, but was cursed by Apollo to not be believed.

What does Apollo have to do with mythology?

Apollon/Apollo is one of the Olympic gods in Greek/Roman mythology.

Who is Apollo's Priestess?

In Greek mythology, Apollo's priestess is known as the Pythia or Oracle of Delphi. The Pythia was a high priestess who delivered prophecies and advice in the temple of Apollo at Delphi. She would enter a trance-like state to communicate the messages from the god Apollo to those seeking guidance.

Who is Apollo in greek mythology?

Apollo was the god of music and light in Greek Mythology and much more.

Who are Zeus and Apollo?

Zeus is the king of the gods, and Apollo is the god of music, archery and prophecies.

Who is Apollo wife?

Apollo does not have a wife in Greek mythology.

Daughter of the night in greek mythology?

Selene: goddess of the moon. Hespera: goddess of dusk. It is said that Phoebus Apollo rides the sun chariot and that Artemis, Apollo's twin, rides the moon chariot.

The goddess Artimis can be found in what ancient culture's mythology?

The goddess Artimis can be found in the ancient culture of Ancient Greek Mythology. She is often described as the daughter of Zeus, and Leto and is the twin sister of Apollo.