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White, land-owning American men.

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Q: Who was the declaration refuring to when it said all men?
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What document said that all men were created equal?

declaration of independence

What implications did the Declaration of Independence hold for women?

It said in the Declaration of Independence that all men would be created equal, but that wasnt the case, women and slaves were not created equal as the men.

Which president said all men are created equal?

The President that first said all men are created equal was Thomas Jefferson. He was the third president of the United States.

Who said all men are created equal?

Thomas Jefferson, and Martin Luther King Jr. said that, "All men are created equal." :)

What group of people did the declaration of independence mean when it said all men are created equal what group did it leave out?


Is the Declaration of Independence a racist document?

you because when it said all men are equal they only meant white men not black people or even woman

What did the declaration of man say?

The Declaration of Men addresses and protects all the rights of men. One of the main declarations is that all men are created equal. These rights are for all citizens but mainly for men.

Why do you think the declaration of independence said all men are created equal rather than all people?

Because all white property owners were created equal.

Who said that the language in the Declaration of Independence that all men were created equal and entitled to liberty was the most false and dangerous of all political errors?

John C. Calhoun

Did American women get the same rights as men after the American revolution?

No, because like it said in the declaration of independence all men are created equally. Not women, they didn't get the same rights as men until the 19th century

Does the constitution declares all men are created equal'?

Yes. Side Note: The Constitution is different than the Declaration of Independence.

What documents states that all men are created equal?

Declaration of Independence