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Xerxes. In Persian it is pronounced Khasharyar

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Q: Who was the emperor of the persains when they attacked Thermopylae?
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Who lead the persains troops into battle of thermopylae?

King Xerxes I.

Who attacked Thermopylae first?

The Greeks defended, the Persians attacked to get through the pass into southern Greece.

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What was Themistocles important?

he created a plan to fight the Persains

Who is the Persian emperor who attacked the athenians at the battle of marathon?

King Darius I .

Where was the pass at in which 300 Spartans died?

The narrow coastal pass of Thermopylae . August or September 480 BC

How do you spell Thermopylae?


What was the battle of marathon like for the Persains?

hopeyou can answer cuse i cant not

What type of food do persains eat?

Dog food sometimes

How many persains fought in the battle of thermopylae?

There were 180,000 Persian infantrymen and cavalrymen in the advancing force. However the narrowness of the pass at Thermopylai meant that only a few thousand infantry were committed at any stage. Another 120,000 sailors and marines were on the ships in the neargy strait of Artemesion where the main action took place.

Did hirohito bomb Pearl Harbor?

Hirohito was the Emperor of Japan when Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese navy. The Emperor stayed in Tokyo.

Is Thermopylae a city-state?

The answer is no Because Thermopylae is a battle not a city.