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condalisa rice serving under george w bush

sorry but you are actually wrong, she was the second and the first was roberta harris in 1896 so get your facts straight

Both answers are incorrect.

Patricia Roberts Harris was the first African- American woman to serve in a president's cabinet. She served as Sec. of Housing and Urban Development under President Carter in 1977, then as Secretary of Health Education & Welfare in 1979 and remained as sec after the department was renamed the Dept of Health and Human Services in 1980. She served until Carter left office in 1981.

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The answer is Patricia Harris


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Lyndon Johnson was the one. He appointed Dr. Robert C. Weaver to be the first Secretary of Housing and Urban Development by President on January 18, 1966.

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roberta harris

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Q: Who was the first African American woman to serve as a US ambassador in another country?
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