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It was Johannes Gutenburg.

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Q: Who was the first European to make moveable type to print books?
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First European to make movable type to print books?

Johannes Gutenberg, a German inventor and printer, is credited with introducing movable type printing technology to Europe around 1440. His invention revolutionized the production of books by allowing for faster and more efficient printing processes.

First Bible from moveable print?

not sure but maybe around 1300 AD, correct if wrong plz

When did the Chinese invent moveable print?

They invented it in 300-500BC

What country was woodcut print first used to make books?

in what county was the woodcut printing first used to make books

Who is the first person to print and sell books for children?

Blake dunber

Who was the first person to print and sell books for children?

Peter Phile

Who invented the first printed Bible?

The first printed Bible was published by Johannes Gutenberg, about 1452. Gutenberg did not invent the Bible, of course, he invented a practical system of casting and setting moveable type that made it possible for him to print it.

What three technological advances that furthered European explorations?

scientific knowledge - which for practical proses paved the way for European voyages and a printing press - which made it easy to print books

What has the digitization of books done for out print books?

For some books, digitization has been a godsend to keep books in print. But not all authors have given permission.

What has digitization of books done for out of print books?

For some books, digitization has been a godsend to keep books in print. But not all authors have given permission.

Johannes Gutenberg is the credited with developing a printing system using?

Johannes Gutenberg is credited with developing a printing system using movable type. This system revolutionized the production of books by making it faster, easier, and more affordable to print large quantities of text. Gutenberg's invention is considered a major milestone in the history of printing and communication.

Does anyone read actual print books anymore?

umm... YES! Print books are still VERY popular.