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Poland attacked the Nazis first during World War 2.

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Q: Who was the first attacked by the Germans in World War 2?
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Some people think that because we (the US) were attacked by the Japanese, who, in return, were attacked by the Germans, which was where (in Germany) the war began.

What country attacked the Germans during the Holocaust?

No country attacked Germany in World War 2 (which you seem to be confusing with the Holocaust). Germany was the aggressor.

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The United States planned to stay neutral after the war broke out. However, after the Germans attacked, they decided to join to get even.

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I don't believe Germany ever attacked Vietnam.

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Because Germans attacked our ships......

Where were the americans first attacked in world war where were the americans first attacked in world war 2?

Pearl Harbour in Hawaii on 7 December 1941

Which country attacked to which country in world war 2?

The Nazi Germans began by attacking Poland in September 1939 and Japan attacked the US in December of 1941. These sparked the European and Pacific Theaters of War in World War 2.

How did the europen get invovled in world war 2?

they where being attacked by the Germans. That was what the war was about. the Germans where trying to take their land, lucky for them the US came in and helped the europens owe us alot

What date did World War 2 end in erup?

September 1, 1939 in Poland, Nazi Germans attacked

First nation to be attacked in World War 2?

Poland was attacked in sept.1939