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It was Sidney Poitier, who won for his performance in "Lilies of the Field" (1963).

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Q: Who was the first black actor ever to win an Academy Award for actor?
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Who was the first black actor to an Academy Award for best actor?

Sidney Poitier

Who was the first black actor to win the Academy Award for best actor?

Sidney Poitier.

Who was the first black actor ever to win an Academy Award for best actor?

Sidney Poitier

Who was the first black actor to win the Academy Award?

Sidney Poitier, who won the 1963 Best Actor award for his performance in "Lilies of the Field."

1st black Academy Award winner that's a male?

The first African-American male to win an Academy Award was Sidney Poitier, who won the Best Actor Oscar in 1963 for his role in Lilies in the Field.

Who was the first black man to be nominaed for an Academy Award?

Sidney Poitier was nominated as Best Actor for the 1958 drama "The Defiant Ones." The award went to David Niven for "Separate Tables."

First black male to win an Oscar?

Sidney Poitier was the first black man to win a competitive Academy Award. He received the 1963 Best Actor Oscar for his performance in "Lilies of the Field."

Who is Sidney Poitier and what happened to him on April 13 1964?

Sidney Poitier is an actor and director. On the 13th of April 1964, he became the first black person to win an Academy Award for Best Actor.

Who was the first African American to win the Academy Award for leading actor?

It was Sidney Poitier, who won the 1963 Best Actor award for his performance in "Lilies of the Field."

Who was the first black actor to win the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor?

It was Louis Gossett Jr., who won the 1982 Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his performance as drill sergeant Emil Foley in "An Officer and a Gentleman."

Which actor received the first Academy Award for best movie actor?

Emil Jannings was honored with the 1927-28 Best Actor award for his performances in "The Way of All Flesh" and "The Last Command."

What African-American actor won an Oscar for his work in the film Lilies of the Field?

Sidney Poitier was the first black actor to win the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance as handyman Homer Smith in "Lilies of the Field" (1963).