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Q: Who was the first black boxer to hold the heavyweight championship longer than a decade?
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The first black prizefighter to win world heavyweight championship?

Jack Johnson.

Is Muhammad ali the first black boxer to win the heavyweight championship of the world?

Jack Johnson won the title in 1915, some 50 years before Ali

Who was Black heavyweight champion in 1912?

jack Johnson was the undisputed heavyweight champion from 1905 - 1915.

How did joe Louis change history?

He was a black boxer after Jack Johnson to win the heavyweight title.and after Joe Louis there have been mainly black heavyweight champions.

Who is first black heavyweight boxing champ?

Jack Johnson

Who was first black heavyweight boxing champ?

Jack Johnson, in 1908,

Was the first black boxer to be world heavyweight boxing champion?

My dad issac

Who was the oldest boxer to win the heavyweight championship?

Although there was no formal boxing organization until 1921, John L. Sullivan is considered by historians to have been the first heavyweight champion of the world. His reign was between 1882-1892. Click on the 'Heavyweight Boxing Champions' link on this page to see a chronological list of those boxers that have been heavyweight champions. but muhammed ali is the greastest of all time ha

Who was the first black woman to win a major tennis championship?

My idol, Serena Williams was the first black woman to win a major tennis championship.

In what year did jack Johnson the first black world heavyweight become a champion?

When he felt like it.

List of black heavyweight boxers?

Some notable black heavyweight boxers include Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Joe Louis, and Evander Holyfield. These fighters have left a lasting impact on the sport of boxing and are considered legends in their own right.

Where can you find a list of black heavyweight boxers?

I would try searching on Wikipedia - they have lists of all sorts of things.