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Q: Who was the first known contributor to the atomic theory?
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What experiment did Antoine Lavoisier do for his atomic theory?

Lavoisier is not known for an atomic theory.

Who is the best known contributor in the development of evolutionary theory?

Charles Darwin

For what is John Dalton known?

i think he discover atomic theory.

What did thales contribute in chemistry?

The Greeks of Miletus, collectively known as the Milesians, were philosophically trying to determine the origin of all things. It was Thales who postulated that water was the source of all matter and is thus considered a contributor to atomic theory. .

Why was john Dalton known for the modern atomic theory?

John Dalton was the adept of the atomic theory and a prominent founder.The five main points of John Dalton's atomic theory: · Elements are made of tiny particles called atoms. · All atoms of a given element are identical. · The atoms of a given element are different from those of any other element.

What year was the first atomic submarine launched?

The first atomic submarine known as the Nautilus was launched January 21st 1954

Name of tompsons theory of what an aom looked like?

I believe it is known as "Thomson's Model" or "Thomson's Atomic Model"

Who discovered the theory of reletivity?

The theory of relativity was developed by Albert Einstein.

The test location for the first atomic bomb was?

The test location of the first atomic bomb was located in California as it was known as the Manhattan Project.

The mathematics of combining quantum theory with wave motion of atomic particles is known as?

I believe that is quantum mechanics, but I'm not 100%.

Who was NOT a contributor to the 1940s style known as bebop?

Count Basie was most definitely not a contributor to bebop.

What was Niels Bohhr known four?

Neils Bohhr was best known for his contributions to understanding atomic structure. He also played a large part in the discovery of the quantum theory.