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Columbus did NOT discover America. He found an island he called Hispaniola and never made it to America. It is a fable that he discovered it.

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Vespucci was the first to discover that Columbus discovered a new land.

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Q: Who was the first man to realize that Columbus discovered a new continent?
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Who was the first person to publish the ideas that Columbus had discovered a new continent?

Amerigo Vespucci

Where did Columbus think he was on his first voyage?

Columbus thought that he was in Asia on his first voyage. What he did not know was that he was in America.

What was the first continent to be discovered?

The first continent to be discovered is South America, and not Antarctica. Antarctica was the last continent to be discovered.

Did Amerigo Vespucci achieve what he sent out to do or did Amerigo Vespucci achieve something else If so what?

yes and no in some ways because he didn't discover anything but he was the first person to realize the the area that Christopher Columbus discovered was actually a new continent not china

In1492 what small island christopher Columbus?

dominican republicNone. He Discovered the continent of North America (although not the first to make the discovery)

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Columbus "discovered" North America, But he was not the first one; vikings were the first. Columbus was the second, and he believed that he could find India by sailing westward. So in effect, what Columbus did was provide an awareness of the new continent to Europeans, who soon after began to colonize the land.

Who realized that Columbus had discovered new lands?

Vespucci was the first to discover that Columbus discovered a new land.

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When and where did Christopher Columbus first land on the continent?

dominican republic