

Best Answer

Thomas Savery, an English military engineer patented the first crude steam engine in 1698. It was used for pumping water out of coal mines.

further improvements were made very shortly afterwards by first Thomas Newcomen and then by James Watt.

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Q: Who was the first person invented the steam engine?
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The first crude steam engine was patented in 1678. It was invented by English military engineer and inventor Thomas Savery.

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Thomas Savery from England invented the first commercially available steam engine.

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Thomas Savery patented the first crude steam engine in 1698.

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Thomas Savery patented the first crude steam engine in 1698.

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The first steam engine was invented by Thomas Savery in 1689. . . .:) Hope it was Helpful!♥

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The steam engine was invented first. The radio was invented in the early 1900's. The steam engine was invented in the 1700's. I know that because first of all, it says so in my book. Also i had the same question a while ago and I found that I was correct when I said that the Steam Engine was invented before the radio. I hope this helps you with your work. =)