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The steam engine was invented first. The radio was invented in the early 1900's. The steam engine was invented in the 1700's. I know that because first of all, it says so in my book. Also i had the same question a while ago and I found that I was correct when I said that the Steam Engine was invented before the radio. I hope this helps you with your work. =)

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Q: Was the radio invented before the steam engine?
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What was invented first. the radio steam engine television or the airplane?

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Which item invented first?

which item was invented first (A) radio (B)steam engine (C) airplane (D) television

Was the television invented before the steam engine?

Don't think so

Who invented steam engine and in which year?

James Watt invented steam engine & it is invented in 1769

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Peter Cooper, invented the American Steam Engine.

Who invented the efficient steam engine in 1769?

no one invented the the steam engine in 1769 but James watts improved the steam engine in 1769

Who invented the early steam engine?

Thomas Newcomen invented the early steam engine in 1705.

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Before the steam engine, the horse was a big with tranportaion for human whereas, the oxen carried heavy loads such as wood, post e.t.c Horses were still used a lot after the steam engine was invented

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yes but they barley worked & they ran on roads

Who invented the first steam enngine?

The first steam engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen

When did thomas newcomen invented steam engine?

1712 it was known as the "Atmospheric Steam Engine".

Where was thomas newcomen's steam engine invented?

The Newcomen engine was invented in England.