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Q: Who was the first person to claim lands in America for Spain?
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Who was one of the most important European explore also was the first person to claim the lands in America from Spain?

Aztec or inca

Which European nation was the first to claim land in America?

Which European nation was the first to claim land in the Americas

When did Spain first make its claim on America?

When Columbus landed in 1492.

Which explorer was the first to claim part of north america for spain?

Christopher Colombus

Which nation set up the first colony in North America?

Spain was the first country to claim land in North America.

Who were the first two European countries to claim parts of latin America?

Spain and Portugal.

Which of the following explorers did not claim American land for Spain?

jorge bush He was the first dad in america he was first to bang.

Who European explore who was the first person to claim land in the Americas for Spain?

Christopher Columbus

When did the Celts claim and in Spain?

When did the Celts first claim land in Spain

Hernando De Soto's life?

Hernando de Soto was born in Spain around the early 1500s. He sailed to Panama and helped to conquer much of South America for Spain. In 1530 he took a ship to Florida and was the first person to claim Florida for Spain.

Who was the first person to claim lands in the Americans for Spain and was one of the most important European Explorers was?

Christopher Columbus

What was the first country to claim Florida?

Spain was the first country to claim Florida in 1513 when explorer Juan Ponce de Leon landed on the east coast of the peninsula.