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We don't have any way of knowing that answer. It was well before history was written. A group of scientists examining the "Iceman" mummy found in the Alps in 1991 believe that this 5000 year old man had been pierced by an arrow to the shoulder. See the links below to read about Otzi.

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Q: Who was the first person to get stabbed?
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Longinus appears to be the person who stabbed Jesus while he was on the cross.

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Who stabbed Caesar first?

Casca is the first to stab Caesar.

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yes you will unless the offender pulls out the knife

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Andy was a sixteen year old teenager boy who gets stabbed by one of the Guardian's gang's knife over his heart (his ribs) and lays on the sidewalk bleeding. He gets stabbed by them because he is part of The Royal's gang and they are rivals.

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How many people did ghostface kill?

33, out've all seven of the killers, not counting the killers death. Scream 1: Casey(Stabbed, Gutted, & Hung), Steve(Gutted), Kenny(Slashed Throat), Tatum(Crushed With Elevator) 4 Scream 2: Maureen(Stabbed A Lot), Phil(Stabbed Through Ear), Hallie(Stabbed), Cici(Stabbed & Thrown Off Balcony), Randy(Stabbed ALOT), Derek(Shot), Officer Doyle(Slashed Throat) Officer Andrews(Pole Through Head). 8 Scream 3: Cotton(Stabbed), Christine(Stabbed), Tyson(Stabbed, Thrown Out Window), Tom(Blown Up), Sarah(Stabbed), Angelina(Stabbed), Jennifer(Stabbed), Stone(Stabbed) 8 Scream 4: Sherrie(Throat Slashed), Trudie(Stabbed), Rachel(Stabbed), Jenny(Stab, Crushed By Garage), Marnie(Stabbed), Rebecca(Stabbed, Thrown On News Van), Kirby(Stabbed), Olivia(Stabbed, Slammed Threw Window, Gutted), Robbie(Stabbed), Trevor(Shot in Penis and Head), Deputy Perkins(Stabbed in Back) Deputy Hoss(Stabbed in Head), Kate(Stabbed Through Mail Slot) 13

What can you immediately do to help a man who has been stabbed?

First check if he is dead, if not call an ambulance.