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It was George Stevenson

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Q: Who was the first person to invent the steam engine?
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First american to invent the steam engine?

Thomas Savery from England invented the first commercially available steam engine.

Did ancient Greece invent the steam engine?

Yes, the first person to harness the power of steam was the Greek scientist Heron of Alexandria in the first century A.D. He developed several devices that were operated by water, steam, or compressed air, including a fountain, a fire engine, and the steam engine.

When did James Watt invent the first ever steam engine?


Who was the first person to invent the first efficient steam locomotive?

Fullerton and Travithick

In what year did George Stephenson invent the first railroad steam engine?


Did Thomas Newcomen invent anything other than the steam engine?

no thomas newcomen did not invent and thing besides a steam engine

What date did henry ford invent the steam engine?

Henry Ford did not invent the steam engine. He was young when it was first introduced to him as a way of powering things. He didn't really invent anything but built onto others ideas such as the assembly line and the car.

Did Robert Stevenson invent the first steam engine?

No, Robert Stevenson did not invent the first steam engine. The first commercially successful steam engine was developed by James Watt in the late 18th century, which helped revolutionize industries such as mining, transportation, and manufacturing. Stevenson, on the other hand, was a renowned civil engineer known for his work on bridges and railways.

What year did William Symington invent his first steam engine?

Where did John Schuyler invent the steam engine?

John Schulyer did not invent the steam engine, but rather ordered it to pump water out of his copper mine. This engine and the crew that built it originate from london.

What year did Heron invent the steam engine?

i dont no

What James Watt invent?

He improved steam engine.