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The first person to launch a satellite to Pluto was Bob Riley.

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Q: Who was the first person to launch a satellite to Pluto?
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What was the first satellite in orbit?

The first satellite in orbit was launched by the Russians on October 4, 1957. The satellite was Sputnik I, and it spurred the USA to launch their own satellite, Explorer I, on January 31, 1958.Sputnik 1

When did india launch its first spacecraft?

The first satellite built by India, the Aryabhata, was launched by the USSR in 1975.India's space agency, ISRO, launched rockets from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre beginning in 1971, with the first successful orbital payload being the RS-1 on July 18, 1980.

What was The first country to launch an earth satellite or artificial baby moon?

spudnik was the first sattelite lauchned by the ussr but a man hole cover from a nuclear test was the first object launched into space this was done by the usa

What is the Difference between PSLV and GSLV?

Both PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) and GSLV are (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) are launch Indian vehicles used to launch satellites into polar orbit and geosyncronous orbits respectively. The PSLV can launch satellites into sun synchronous orbits i. e. in such a way that an object on that orbit passes over any given point of the Earth's surface at the same local solar time. The GSLV launch satellites into geostationary orbit. Geostationary orbits cause a satellite to appear stationary with respect to a fixed point on the rotating Earth. That is, if you were standing directly below a geosyncronous satellite it would always be directly above you. The PSLV is a four-stage launch vehicle with the first stage being solid-propelled, the second liquid-propelled and third solid and the final stage cryogenic liquid. It required parts obtained from Russia. The GSLV is a three-stage launch vehicle with the first stage being solid-propelled, the second liquid-propelled and the final stage being cryogenically propelled. It was developed by India partly to free itself from dependence on Russia.

When did explorer 1 first US satellite go in orbit?

Explorer 1 was in orbit for 111 days after launch on January 2 1958. I make that to be May 4, 1958.

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What was the first successful flyby satellite launch to the Moon?

Luna 1 was the first successful flyby satellite launch to the Moon.

When will Moldova launch its first space satellite?

Not known, any studies for a launch !

Who launched the first satellite and what was his name?

The (former) USSR launch the first satellite. Its name was Sputnik.

What was the first satellite for?

The first satellite (Sputnik I) was launched by the USSR (Russia) to demonstrate that they could launch a satellite into Earth orbit.

Why was Nixon's approach to China surprising?

(C) china was successful in their first satellite launch, which occured before the United States could launch their first satellite.

How many years will a satellite to reach Pluto?

It takes 9 years, and the first satellite will reach Pluto in 2015. The satellite was launched on January 9, 2006. I cannot wait till we find out the deep secrets of Pluto...

What was the first satellite launch by India in 1957?

India didn't launch any satellites in 1957

When did NASA launch its first satellite?

Explorer Eight in 1960

What year did Russia launch the first satellite?

From memory - 1957.

What type of satellite did the US first launch into orbit?


Who was the first to launch an earth satellite?

The first artificial satellite was Sputnik I, launched by the Soviet Union on the 4th of October 1957

Did the US launch first satellite into space?

No. The first satellite to be launched into space was Sputnik, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957.