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Yuri Gagarin, from the USSR.

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Q: Who was the first person to orbit the Earth and what country was he from?
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Who was the first human to orbit the earth?

The first person to orbit the Earth was the Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin.

Which country was the first to orbit the Earth?

No country has ever orbited the earth. Scientists and engineers in the USSR placed the first man-made satellite in earth orbit, in 1957.

Who was the first person to orib the earth?

The first person to orbit the earth was astronaut, John Glenn...

Which country first put a manned spacecraft into orbit?

The Soviet Union takes credit for sending the first man into orbit around the earth. However, since, Yuri Gagarin did not land in his capsule, it technically does not count as an official orbit. Still, no one disputes that Gagarin did in fact orbit the earth. The first person to orbit the earth and land in his spacecraft was John Glenn of the United States.

The first person to orbit earth was?

Yuri Gagarin

In what year did the first person orbit the earth?


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He was the first person to orbit the Earth.

What country was the first to place a person in orbit?


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first person to orbit the earth

Who was the first person to orbit the earth 3 times?

niel Armstrong

What Ohioan was the first to orbit the earth?

John Glenn, now a US Senator from Ohio, was the first American to orbit the earth, but not the first person. That distinction went to Yuri Gagarin of the USSR.

Which country was the first to launch a satellite into orbit?

The first satellite launched in the orbit of the Earth was the Sputnik 1. It was launched on 1957 by the Soviet Union.