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Q: Who was the first person to receive the rabies vaccine?
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Who was the first to receive the rabies vaccine?

On July 6th they first used it on a boy who was bitten by a dog with rabies.

Who developed the first rabies vaccine in 1885?

Louis Pasteur developed the vaccine for rabies in 1885.

What is rabies vaccine and how do you catch it?

first it spreads to your nervous system. then it multiplies.

Who made the rabies shot?

The French chemist Louis Pasteur was the one who made the first vaccine for rabies.

Who created the first caccines for rabies and athrax?

Louis Pasteur created first vaccine for rabies and anthrax.

What contributed to the elimination of rabies in humans?

Humans can still get rabies, but if caught soon enough, they can receive treatment (a series of injections) to cure the rabies. A rabies vaccine was first developed in 1885 by Louis Pasteur and Eile Roux, two French scientists, and has evolved over time.

Which was the first rabies vaccine to be invented?

I think Godzilla did because he had rabies. Then he told Snow White and the seven dwarfs to put on a show because he was the first one to create rabies vaccine. They put on the best rabies show ever and that's when animal scientists stole his idea and said they made it. True story I read it in a animal science book.

Who discovered rabies and when?

Pasteur produced the first vaccine for rabies by growing the virus in rabbits, and then weakening it by drying the affected nerve tissue. The rabies vaccine was initially created by Emile Roux, a French doctor and a colleague of Pasteur who had been working with a killed vaccine produced by desiccating the spinal cords of infected rabbits.

Who developed the first rabies vaccines?

The rabies vaccine was developed by Louis Pasteur in 1885, derived from the nerve tissue of infected rabbits

Who Developed a vaccine to prevent rabies in dogs?

The first rabies vaccine was developed by Louis Pasteur and Emile Roux. However, there have been several other vaccines developed by both independent scientists and pharmacologic companies since then.

What happens when you get bittin by a dog and you go to the doctor 4 days after?

Scientifically speaking i think the first vaccine of anti-rabies should be given maximum seven days after the bite but that may differ from person to person. It's best if you get it checked out as soon as possible as rabies can be fatal.

Do animals lose their rabies when they die and how do you get rid of them if not?

First of all, there is no cure for rabies. That's why its so very important to get your animals their rabies vaccine. Once they have rabies, death is very quick. Once the animal is buried of disposed of, the active rabies will die. Please, get your animals vaccinated now. Local animal shelters offer this vaccine at a very low cost.