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Archimedes, after discovering the principle of density. Most commonly associated with him having a bath, seeing the water flow out as he got in, then running round the town naked! This may be more legend than documented fact.

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Check it out: "Eureka" is Greek for "I found it!"

A bit more...It would be more accurate to say Eureka means "I am in a state of having found it" but you get the idea

He actually said the Greek words to vrika which means I found it but as the years have gone by and through many people saying it the two words became one resulting in eureka

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Q: Who was the first person to say eureka?
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Who shouted Evrika for the first time?

First off, it is: Eureka! (not evrika). Second, Archimedes was the greek scholar who is famous for shouting Eureka when he discovered that the volume of water displaced would be equal to the volume of any object submerged in a liquid. The first person to ever shout Eureka for the first time is not known, and probably won't ever be known. This is like asking "Who is the first person to shout 'Hello'?" for the first time.

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Who say eureka?


Who said Eureka first?

Archimedes, he is the one who said Eureka first. When he discovered the principle of density.For more information;= Eureka means "I am in a state of having found it"= "Eureka" is Greek for "I found it!"

Why did aristotie say eureka?

Aristotle did not say "Eureka." The exclamation "Eureka" is attributed to Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes, who reportedly shouted it when he discovered a method to determine the purity of a gold crown. The word "Eureka" means "I have found it" in Greek.

Where was the eureka flag first flown?

The Eureka flag was first flown in Ballarat on Bakery hill

Why do people say Eureka?

People say eureka when they figure out something new. The word is mostly related to the scientist who discovered buoyancy.

What do you say when you find gold when you're mining?

Traditionally, cartoons have the miners exclaiming "Eureka!"

What was the Eureka flag used for?

to say that the Eureka Reform League was official. It was to fight against the government.

Who was the first person to shout eureka?

Most of what we know about Archimedes comes from Roman historians who wrote about his life centuries after he died.

What did Archimedes say after he discovered something?


Who said eureka?

Archimedes, he is the one who said Eureka first. When he discovered the principle of density.For more information;= Eureka means "I am in a state of having found it"= "Eureka" is Greek for "I found it!"