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in 1665 Robert Hook observed in a microscope a thin slice of cork, the cork seemed to be made of thousands of tiny empty chambers similar to "cells" on monasteries.

however he onely contrivuted with the basic consept of cells I dont completely know if he was aware of the fact of what a cell was but you can say he was the one to first dicover/identify a cell.

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Q: Who was the first person to you identify and see cells?
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Robert Hooke was the first person to see cells. He saw them with a compound-microscope.

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if your doing to crossword its antoine van Leeuwenhoek =) he was the first person to see living cells but Robert Hooke was the first person to see cells (they were dead when Robert saw them they were's really confusing ♥

The first person to identfiy and see cork cells?

Robert Hooke (1665)

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The answer for sure is not Robert Hooke. He did see cells but they were NOT LIVING!

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Robert Hookie was the first person to see cells in a cork, the bark of a tree he also then mamed them cells after the laitn term compartment

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In 1665- English scientist, Robert Hooke was the first scientist to see the cell, by looking at a microscope.

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