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Q: Who was the first to develop the alphabet and when?
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WHich culture was first to develop the alphabet?

The Phoenicians.

How did the Greeks develop the alphabet?

the Greek alphabet was developed by a Greek with first hand experience of contemporary.

How did the letter K develop in the Egyptian alphabet?

It didn't. The letter K was first used in the Greek alphabet.

Did Hebrews develop the first true alphabet?

No. the first "true" alphabet (meaning that it contained both consonants and vowels" was created by the Greeks.

Where did c develop?

from the alphabet

Who develop the alphabet the Greeks?


What did the Phoenicians develop?

The alphabet and sailing around the world.

When was the alphabet develop?

I just know that Cambodian alphabet is the longest and consists of 74 letters!

When did the Phoenicians develop the alphabet?

Approximately 1500 B.C.

What did the Phoenicians develop that was adopted in western culture?

An alphabet.

When did Phoenicians develop an alphabet?

In the 9th Century BCE.

Who develop the vowel letters?

The Akkadian alphabet was the first to have vowels, before that all letters were consenants-Hebrew for a long time had no vowels.