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ander O' riley

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Q: Who was the first to discover Saturn without a telescope?
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What technology did NASA use to discover Saturn?

It didn't - the planet Saturn was observed in ancient times, but Galileo was the first to view it through a telescope and discover its rings in 1610.

Where did galieo discover Saturn?

Galileo did not discover Saturn. Saturn was known to people who lived thousands of years before Galileo. Galileo was the first person to see Saturn through a telescope, and the first to observe its rings. He made many of his observations from Venice.

What had to be invented before we could discover Saturn and neptune?

The telescope, which was first built by Hans Lippershey in 1608. Galileo built a telescope in 1609 and discovered Saturn with it in 1610.

What did Galileo discover about planet Saturn?

No, Saturn can be seen in the sky without any equipment. People have known about it since the stone age. He was the first to observe the rings of Saturn.No Galileo did not discover Saturn.

When did Galileo discover Saturn's rings?

Galileo worked in Italy. He did not discover Saturn, it was known to ancient astronomers, but he discover the rings, with his telescope. He wanted to keep the discovery secret, but at the same time he wanted to claim the credit for the discovery, so he published the announcement in the form of a Latin anagram.

How was the telescope successful?

The telescope, invented by Galileo in the early 1600's, allowed us to see objects better that were far away. Galileo is credited with using his first telescope to discover Jupiter's moons, Saturn's rings, and the craters and other features of our moon.

Who first observed the Saturn through a telescope?


Who first observed Saturn and when?

People have seen it ever since Greek and roman ages you can see it even without a telescope but nobody knows who was the first

Who was the first to discover Jupiter with a telescope and when?

Galileo galilae

Who first described Saturn's rings?

Galileo was the first person we know who pointed a telescope at Saturn. In his writings he mentioned that he saw that Saturn has "ears".

In what year did Galileo discover the ring of Saturn?

The rings were first observed by Galileo Galilei in 1610 with his telescope, but he was unable to identify them as such. He thought they were 2 moons on either side of the planet. This is true

Who was the first person to find the planet Saturn?

galileo, he found it with a telescope.