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Q: Who was the first woman to fly across the atlantic ocean and disappeared?
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What did Amelia do that was fantastic?

She flew across the Atlantic Ocean FIRST FEMALE but disappeared

What did Amelia Earhart achieve in her life?

She was the first woman to fly solo over the Atlantic Ocean. her plane disappeared when she tried to fly across the Pacific Ocean.

What did Amelia earhart contribute to the world?

Amelia Earhart was the first female to fly by herself across the Atlantic Ocean. She was attempting to fly across the world whenever she disappeared in the 1930s.

What signal was sent across the Atlantic Ocean in 1901?

The first radio waves were sent across the Atlantic Ocean by Guglielmo Marconi in 1901.

Who made the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean was who?

Charles Lindbergh made the first solo flight across the Atlantic.

Which Kansas woman was the first female to fly her plane solo across the Atlantic Ocean?

Amelia Mary Earhart was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

What was Amelia Earharts main accomplishment?

she was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic

When did the first remote-controlled model airplane fly nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean?

In 2003, the first remote-controlled model airplane flew across the Atlantic Ocean nonstop.

Who was the first American pilot to accomplish a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean?

Charles A. Lindbergh was the first to fly solo and non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean.

What was the first message across the Atlantic ocean was sent by?

Guglielmo Marconi

Who were the first women to fly across the Atlantic Ocean?

The first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean was Amelia Earhart, an American Aviation Pioneer and author. She completed the flight in 1928 and flew solo.

Who was the first women to fly solo across the Atlantic ocean?

Amelia Earhart was the first.