

Who was the founder of accounting?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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According to accounting historian John R. Alexander, accounting has been around for thousands of years. Records of commerce date as far back as 3500 BC in Mesopotamia. Similar styles of accounting were also seen in ancient Egypt, China, Greece and Rome. Even in medieval times there were "standards" and records of accounting activities.

Most historians favoring a more modern perspective look to the contributions of Luca Pacioli and Benedetto Cotrugli. Cotrugli proposed and provided techniques for the double entry method of accounting in Delia Mercatura et del Mercante Perfetto(Of Trading and the Perfect Trader). Pacioli expanded on the system developed by Cotrugli in Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportini et Proportionalita (Everything About Arithmetic, Geometry and Proportion).

More detail is available in John Alexander's paper, The History of Accounting, available on the Association of Chartered Accountants in the United States web page.

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