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Q: Who was the french leader who angered the US by demanding money before meeting with diplomats?
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Preliminary meeting is a meeting before the actual meeting to discuss what they aer going to talk about in the main meeting

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Is before a prepositional phrase?

"Before" can be used as a preposition to indicate the position in time or space that something occurs. In the sentence "She arrived before the meeting," "before the meeting" is a prepositional phrase that tells when she arrived.

What is agenda and minutes?

The agenda for a meeting is a list of items or topics for discussion at the meeting and is presented at (or before) the start of the meeting. The minutes are normally a record of the meeting. On occasion, though, they can reflect what should have happened in the meeting rather than what actually happened.

What is a pre meeting documents?

Pre meeting documents are all the relevant documents that you need to have before a meeting. This may include previous minutes, agenda paper and so on.

What is pre meeting document?

Pre meeting documents are all the relevant documents that you need to have before a meeting. This may include previous minutes, agenda paper and so on.

What are agenda's and minutes?

For a meeting, an agenda is a plan of what is to be covered during the meeting. The agenda is created before the meeting, and usually distributed to attendees. Meeting Minutes is an actual record of what occurred during the meeting, including any items that were voted on, and results of the vote.