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Q: Who was the goddess of wisdom and crafts and was so popular that she had a major city state named in her honor?
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What was the name of the temple in Athens built in honor of the goddess Athena?

The Parthenon is the temple in Athens built in honor of the Greek goddess of wisdom and war, Athena.

What was built in Athenas honor?

The panthenon was built as a tribute to Athena, the godess of wisdom, battle and useful crafts.

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Because she was the goddess wisdom, weaving, and warfare things they wanted to excel in

Pericles built the Parthenon temple to honor who?

The Parthenon honors Athena, the patron goddess of Athens (note the name similarities). He used almost all of Athens' money.

What was the building built to honor Athena the goddess of wisdom served as a model for western architecture?

The Parthenon temple on the Acropolis in Athens.

What was Athena in charge of?

She was the goddess of war, and very wise. Her symbol is an owl, and she is rumored to have planted the first olive tree in Greece, for a competition, which she won, so the city of Athens is named in her honor. She was the goddess of wisdom and a warrior. Her symbol is an owl.

Why was the the Parthenon?

To honor the goddess Athena.

What god did the Parthenon honor?

It is the temple dedicated to the virgin goddess Athena. Parthenos = virgin.

How did the Greeks honor Athena?

The Greeks built a temple to honor the goddess Athena.

Why was the Parthenon made?

To honor the goddess Athena.

What are two ways ancient Greeks honored their gods?

~Every 4 years the Greeks had the Olympic Games in honor of Zues and the other gods and goddesses. ~Athens was named after Athena, goddess of wisdom and war.

What was the purpose of panathenaic games?

The purpose of these games in ancient Greece was to honor the goddess Athena.