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Q: Who was the great god that the Aztecs were expecting to return at the same time that the Spanish arrived?
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How did the Aztec culture perish?

Spanish conquistadors commanded by Hernando Cortez arrived in the same year that the Aztecs believed their god Quetzalcoatl would return. At first the Aztecs believed that Cortez was Quetzalcoatl, but Quetzalcoatl was a bloodthirsty god who demanded human sacrifice, and the Spanish were disgusted by this practice. Cortez' army was small but much better equipped, and they found thousands of allies in subject tribes which the Aztecs had conquered and were using to feed Quetzalcoatl. The Aztec king, Montezuma, was killed by his own people when he tried to prevent war with the Spanish, and and the Aztecs were defeated eventually. The Spanish also brought missionaries to Mexico, and the religion of the Aztecs was quickly replaced by Roman Catholicism.

Who were the first Europeans to meet the Aztecs?

The Spanish explorers, led by Hernan Cortes arrived at Tenochtitlán, the city of the enemies of the Aztecin 1519. They allied and attacked the Aztecs in 1520. Hernan Cortes and his Spanish party were sent from Cuba. Cortes had convinced the Spanish monarchy that the Aztecs held vast amounts of easily accessible gold and that he would bring it for the King in return for being allowed to become governor of any new government in the region. Although only a small group, Cortes played the Native tribes against one-another and brought disease which crippled the local populations. Cortes eventually arrived in the capital to meet Montezuma, the leader of the Aztecs, when he and his allies attacked the leader and captured the city.

Who was exiled and threatened to return to conquer Mexico?

Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortes. He came to Mexico and was welcomed by Aztec ruler Montezuma. However then he (Cortes) attacked. The Aztecs drove him and his men out, but he swore to return. Then, he did and destroyed the Aztecs. -Bigbadwolf333

What was Mexico like before the spanish arrived?

A religious empire under the Aztecs, with a pantheon of gods - e.g. Tezcatlipoca, Huitzipochtli, Quetzalcoatl, representing variously force, will, wisdom, and centred on the city Tenochtitlan, roughly the site of present-day Mexico City. A feature of the architecture was stepped pyramids, where selected sacrificial victims had their hearts cut out to appease the gods, ensure crop fertility etc. The god Quetzalcoatl, 'the feathered serpent', was expected to appear or return to the Aztecs at some point, and when the Spanish arrived, their leader was taken to be Quetzalcoatl, and the Spanish were initially welcomed, but in time conquered and colonised the Aztec civilisation.

Which god did the Aztecs mistake Hernán Cortés for?

he was mistaken for Quetzalcoatl. This deity was usuall drawn with a white face and was supposed to return to mexico in the year 1-reed, the year cortes arrived.

What were things that helped Spain defeat the Aztecs?

An emporer that was ousted 500 years before Cortez arrived promised he would return 500 years later. A coincedence that he arrived when he did, many of the Aztecs belived Cortez was the emporer returning or sent by the emporer. With their belief that emporers were gods they did not put up much of a fight. (Someone deleted this answer before, this is an answer to this question, message me with the problem to it)

What did the Spanish do to Tenochtitlan?

Massacred them; the arrival of the Spanish, particularly Cortes, their leader, having been welcomed by the Aztecs as the long-awaited return of their god Qetzalcoatl, the 'plumed serpent'. After initial good relations between the Spaniards and Aztecs there were complications caused by political intervention on both sides, and the situation deteriorated to the point of the aforementioned massacre and destruction of the capital Tenochtitlan, despite the Spanish being vastly outnumbered by the Aztecs, but possessing firearms and horses.

Believed that Quetzalcoatl would return?

The Aztecs had this belief.

What god promised the Aztecs he would return?

Quetzalcoatl promised to return and take his throne

Two reason why cortez was able to conquer the Aztecs?

A.#1. The Aztec people mistook Cotes' arrival as the return of their god Quetzalcoatl, who was said to have left on a raft of woven snakes, who is described to be of fair skin and wore a beard unlike his people. Strangely similar to the Spanish who arrived on a huge "raft" or ship, wore beards,shiny armor, and rode horses. A.#2.After the war the Aztecs had no chance of also surviving biological warfare.The small pox the Spanish left behind finished off 80% of the population during the next ten years.

Reasons for spanish victories Aztecs and Incas?

There were several reasons that the spanish were able to defeat the Aztecs, and these applied to the Incas as well. The Spanish had much more advanced technology than the Aztecs, such as gunpowder, horses, cannons, and steel weapons (which were stronger than the Aztec obsidian blades). The Spanish also had the advantage of surprise, as they were welcomed into the Aztec empire as honored guests but abruptly betrayed and slaughtered many Aztec citizens before they were driven from the city. Third, European diseases such as smallpox took their toll on the Aztec people. Finally, the Aztecs did not continue and finish defeating the Spanish after La Noche Triste, the only major Aztec victory during the conquest. The Spanish survivors were thus able to regroup and return with more soldiers.

What welcomed the Spanish invader who was thought to be the light skinned god Quetzalcoatl?

The Central American Indian tribe, the Aztecs welcomed Hernán Cortés in 1519 thinking he was the return of their God, Quetzalcoatl.