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Q: Who was the inventors of passionate about helping deaf people?
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Which inventor was passionate about helping deaf people?

Alexander Graham Bell had a passion for helping deaf people.

Why did Alexander Graham Bell dislike deaf people?

There is no evidence that Alexander Graham Bell disliked deaf people. In fact, he was very passionate about working with the deaf community and his wife, Mabel Gardiner Hubbard, was deaf. Bell's interest in deaf education and communication led him to invent the telephone and establish schools for the deaf.

What did graeme clark discover to become famous?

That By Helping Deaf People He will become famous

Where can on find deaf videos?

You can find deaf videos online at the Deaf Movies Organization website. This website specializes in helping people find full length films in the ASL language.

What are Alexander Graham Bell's influences?

Besides being the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell also had influences in helping those who were deaf. Because of his experiences being around deaf people and his mother who was hard of hearing, he championed helping those who could not get a good education simply because they were deaf.

How old was Helen Keller when she was helping deaf and blind people?

I think she was 66 years old. Not sure, but I think so.

What did deaf people contribute to the English language?

The deaf contributed sign language and lip reading to the English languages. The first evidence of sign language actually dates back to texts written by Socrates in the 5th Century BC. But other than that, they live lives as we do and many were inventors and contributed to our well being. Deaf people I am aware of from history: Helen Keller, Alexander Graham Bell, Beethoven...

Was Alexander Graham Bell a philanthropist?

yes, he did a lot of work in helping the deaf.

Can deaf people get married?

Yes, deaf people can get married.

How do deaf people handle relationships?

they did to go out with deaf people

Are deaf people blind?

No,deaf people are not blind.There are people that are both though.

Are there deaf violinist?

yes! deaf people can do anything like hearing people do.