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Q: Who was the king and queen names when Beatrix Potter was born?
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What is Beatrix Potter's birthday?

Beatrix Potter was born on July 28, 1866.

When was queen beatrix of hollend born?

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands was born on the 31st of January 1938.

Where was Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands born?

Queen Beatrix was born at the Soestdijk Palace in Baarn, Netherlands.

When was Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands born?

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands was born on January 31, 1938.

When was queen beatrix of holland born?

If you are asking "when was Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands born?" then it is the 31st of January 1938

When was Beatrix Havergal born?

Beatrix Potter was born on July 28, 1866 and died on December 22, 1943. Beatrix Potter would have been 77 years old at the time of death or 149 years old today.

What is Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands's birthday?

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands was born on January 31, 1938.

What hospital was Beatrix Potter born in?


What is the address of Beatrix Potter's home in London?

Beatrix Potter was born in Number 2, Bolton Gardens, Kensington in London.

What was the full date of birth of Beatrix Potter's parents Rupert William Potter and Helen Potter?

Beatrix Potter's parents Rupert William Potter and Helen Potter were born on January 11, 1832, and September 24, 1839, respectively.

Now who is queen Beatrix?

Queen Beatrix is the former Queen of the Netherlands, who reigned from 1980 to 2013. She abdicated the throne in favor of her son, Willem-Alexander. Queen Beatrix is known for her dedication to her duties and her efforts to modernize the Dutch monarchy.

How old would Beatrix Potter be if she was alive right now in 2012?

Beatrix Potter was born on July 28, 1866. If she were alive in 2012, she would be 146 years old.