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Robert Charles Comer executed May 23 2007 by lethal injection

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Q: Who was the last person to be executed using capital punishment in Arizona?
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Why was a man executed in Jamestown?

Captain George Kendall was executed in the fall of 1608 for conspiracy. He is believed to be the first person to receive capital punishment in the United States.

What are the positive about Capital Punishment?

The advantages or pros for capital punishment could be said that due to the nature that capital punishment is given out such as murder or rape is that the person is executed so they are no longer able to harm others in society and it also can be a deterrent in crime because people are fearful of death.

How does capital punishment decrease crime?

How?? Well, capital punishment is essentially the death penalty. If a person who is an extreme danger to society is executed then therefore they cannot create any more damage or commit any more crimes. In other words, decreasing the amount of crimes committed.

How can a guilt ridden person be awarded capital punishment?

Guilt ridden persons do not get capital punishment. Only people found guilty of capital crimes get capital punishment . . . . . . regardless of how guilt ridden they may profess to be, after-the-fact.

Why was the murderer of Maria Goretti not executed?

Italy does not have the death penalty and the person who murdered her was a minor. At the time this crime had happened, Italy did have Capital Punishment, however, Alessandro was considered to young at the time to be sentenced to death.

When was the last hanging done in the US as a form of capital punishment?

Pensylvania was the first state to do it legally

How do people get executed in America?

Through history we have used hanging and shooting but more recently lethal injection and electrocution because they are considered as more humane forms of capital punishment (of course this is a matter of opinions).

Does Conniticut have capital punishment?

Connecticut has the death penalty (using lethal injection only) for serious murders. Only one person has been executed in Connecticut since 1976 - Michael B. Ross, a murderer, was executed in 2005.

Are their any other capital punishments than death penalty?

Capital punishment is essentially synonymous with the death penalty. Though there are varying specific methods that could be used, if the person doesn't eventually die as a result, then it's not capital punishment.

What is pro capital punishment?

pro capital punishment is when you are for killing the person who murdered without reason and kidnapped and killed because he had a hard time growing up who hijacked a car and didn't want the person to identify him so he /she killed him/her and because you were strung out on crack --ice--or whatever and the person you mugged fought back so you had to kill them this scum of the earth should be put to death, then my friend are pro capital punishment

What is the goal of capital punishment in the us?

I think that the goal of capital punishment in the U.S. is that it wants to show people how they can get killed as how they killed/murdered another person/people as a crime and the police can track you easily because of technology these days.

Is there a humane method of capital punishment?

This is a controversial subject as capital punishment in general is a system being scrutinized. However, there tends to be a shift towards making capital punishment as humane as possible. In America right now, lethal injection has been given much support for being quick and painless... and therefore seen as more humane. However, new data has shown that a person put through lethal injection can still feel feel pain. It is now being criticized as well for being an inhumane method of capital punishment. Much more information can be found in the wikipedia site, if searched Capital Punishment.