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there were many egyptian rulers

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Q: Who was the leader in ancient egypt?
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Ancient Egypt

Who was the leader in acient Egypt?

there were many leaders of ancient egypt, known as the pharaohs

What is the term for a female leader in ancient Egypt?

a queen

What is the name of the leader in ancient Egypt civilization?

We commonly refer to the ruler of ancient Egypt as "pharaoh". For more info, check out the Wikipedia article.

Who is head of ancient Egypt?

the faro but they switched after the current leader died.

Was tut a good ruler?

Yes, he was a very powerful yound leader of ancient egypt.

How were leaders in Ancient Egypt chosen?

How leaders where chosen in ancient Egypt is that they would make the last king's first son, or sometimes first daughter rule over Egypt. Then when they died there first son or daughter would be the leader.

How did King Tutankhamun become leader in ancient egypt?

his father died so he was the next one

Why pyramids are so important?

If you're talking about the Pyramids built in ancient Egypt the size of the Pyramid represented the leader's (or in their case pharaoh's) importance.

How were ancient Egypt leaders chosen?

How leaders where chosen in ancient Egypt is that they would make the last king's first son, or sometimes first daughter rule over Egypt. Then when they died there first son or daughter would be the leader.

Why did Egypt have pharoahs?

Egypt had pharaohs so that things wouldn't get out of order. The Egyptians wanted a leader because things went out of order and they needed a person to be the leader of the land because things in ancient Egypt weren't too good at that time.

What is the title for the leader of Egypt called?

The ancient rulers of Egypt were called "Pharaoh". These rulers were not just the highest of the high; they were considered living gods.