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Q: Who was the leader of the totalitarian regime that was based on a communist philosophy?
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Whose totalitarian regime was based on a communist philosophy?

Well, just about any leader in the communist world could be used....Josef Stalin comes to mind first.

Leader whose totalitarian regime was based on a communist philosophy?

Joseph Stalin was a leader whose totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union was based on communist philosophy. He promoted a one-party system, controlled all aspects of society, and implemented policies to eliminate opposition and consolidate power.

Who was the revolutionary leader who established a communist regime in?

Fidel Castro was a revolutionary leader who established a communist regime in Cuba. His primary ally in the revolution was Che Guvarra. He was the first secretary of the communist party of Cuba from 1961 to 2011. He was also a Prime Minister, President, and Commander in Chief.

Which man established a totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union?

Joseph Stalin

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Ngo Dinh Diem

Anti-Communist leader who overthrew Bao Dai's regime?

Ngo Dinh Diem

What is the goal of the communist north?

Communist north is North Korea. It basically is trying to dominate South Korea. This is in effort to convert the country into a totalitarian, authoritarian regime without any human rights.

What are the different types of totalitarians?

Government machinery control overtly political or individual as in Dictatorship are similar to facism,Nazism,communist dictatorship or totalitarian regime. eg: Hitler,Stalin,Mussolini,Nicolae Ceausescu.

What country is a non- communist dictatorship?

North Korea is often referred to as a non-communist dictatorship, as it operates under a totalitarian regime and is ruled by the Kim dynasty. However, it officially identifies as a socialist state.

How did Joseph Stalin create a totalitarian state in the Soviet Union?

Stalin was a master of using fear, eliminating his competition, scapegoating, controlling education, creating an effective Propaganda machine, controlling the flow of information to the people, and killing any communist party members who opposed his regime. He believed that he was the the true communist leader and to carry out all of his policies, he had to be the USSR's dictator. No threat to his power was too small to liquidate. Within a few years after Lenin's death, Stalin created his totalitarian state.

Who transformed USSR into a totalitarian state?

It was Lenin and the Bolsheviks - meaning majority (a radical revolutionary group who's opposition was the Mensheviks - meaning minority) that organised an overthrow of the Tsar, Nicholas II of the USSR to introduce a totalitarian regime to society which can also be described as communist. The ideology of this regime came from Marixism It later resulted in the murder of the whole royal family.

What was the major difference between Hitler's totalitarian regime and Stalin totalitarian regime?

Hitler was a dictator, he wanted the throne to be only his. while Stalin wanted Russia to be a democratic country.