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The leading radical agitator in the Massachusetts colony was Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams is also one of the founding fathers of the United States.

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Q: Who was the leading radical agitator in the massachutestts colony?
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Who was the leading radical in the Massachusetts colony?

The leading radical agitator in the Massachusetts colony was Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams is also one of the founding fathers of the United States.

Who was the leading radical agitator in the Virginia colony?

Founding Father, Patrick Henry was a powerful speaker and leading radical agitator in the Virginia colony. On March 23, 1775, Henry made his most famous speech that was a call to arms to all patriots and uttered the famous phrase, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!â??

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they was the most radical because the government was guided by religious principles

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Who's the Radical founder of the most tolerant New England colony?

It is Roger Williams. -Pookie

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Was there a person involved in the beginning of the colony when it began?

I am not sure which colony you are asking about, but every colony had a founder, or a leading figure. For example, the Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by John Winthrop.

The first town in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

the first English settlement was the Massachusetts Bay Colony

What colony did john Winthrop found?

John Winthrop was a leading figure in the founding of Massachusetts Bay Colony. This was the first settlement in New England after the Plymouth Colony. He actually served as governor of the colony for 12 years.

What did South Carolina create to govern the colony in the years leading up to the American Revolution?

House of Deputies

How was Pennsylvania founded?

== == == == == == It was founded as a proprietary colony by William Penn, the Younger, who received its charter from Charles II, Restoration monarch of England. Penn was a Quaker, who hoped that the new colony would provide refuge for that persecuted radical religious sect. He also hoped to profit from the trade goods produced in the colony.