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Q: Who was the most important Trojan escapee from the sack of troy?
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Who is Panthus?

He was the Priest of Apollo during the Trojan war and the Sack of Troy. He appears in book 2 of Aeneid

Did Helen and Paris survive the Trojan wars?

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How was the Trojan War important?

It wasn't - it was just one of the targets of an organised series of piratical raids by the Greeks in the eastern Mediterranean. After the sack of Troy, nothing really changed. Its importance rests in the literature it spawned.

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Why did the soldiers fight in the Trojan war?

They wanted to sack Troy for its wealth as the warlord society at the time often did. The Achaians were also allies with the Spartans. After Paris (Trojan Prince) stole Helen from Menelaos (King of Sparta) they helped defend the Spartan army's advance on Troy. Also, don't believe anything in the movie!

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Are sheep born alive of hatched as an egg?

Sheep are actually Born in a sack and when they are being born the sack burst and all of the liquid spills out so you could say its an egg but not most technically a shell like a thin rubbery sack.

Does a sack count as a tackle for a loss?

a sack of a quarterback behind the line of scrimage, that is a sack