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Nixon. =) always glad to help

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Q: Who was the president that critics called his presidency mob rule?
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How many years does a president in Libya get to rule?

The Lybian constitution does not have a time limit on presidency. Kaddafi is the only "President" Libya has ever had. Prior to him Libya was rules by a king.

Was John Adams a re-elected president?

No. John Adams was president once, and it WA for about 4 1/2 months,because president #3 was elected.(this was before the 4 year of presidency rule was made)

Was president John Adams re elected?

No. John Adams was president once, and it WA for about 4 1/2 months,because president #3 was elected.(this was before the 4 year of presidency rule was made)

What is the rule of a president in a country?

The period of time during which a president is in charge is called his (or her) term of office.

Critics of rule-utilitarianism say that?

It collapses into Act-Utilitarianism.

What was Tamil nadu named earlier?

Hi, Tamil nadu was called as Madras Presidency / Chennai Rajdhani during British Rule. During this time, Part of Andhra, Karnataka, Kerala were under Madras Presidency. hope this helps

Does a president have to get married?

No, there is no rule about that. As it turns out, most American presidents did get married, and usually long before they were elected to the presidency. But several were widowers, several married while in office, and at least one-- James Buchanan (the 15th president)-- never married at all.

What are long term effects of George Washington's rule?

Some of the long-term effects of George Washington's rule include the establishment of a strong federal government and Presidency, the development of a two-party political system, and a precedent for peaceful transitions of power. Additionally, Washington's emphasis on neutrality and avoiding foreign entanglements influenced U.S. foreign policy for many years.

Which state in India is under President's rule?

Bihar and Karnataka are under President's rule.

Total rule by a king is called?

Total rule by a king is called monarchy. This means all power is invested in one individual, usually a king or queen but could be a title like president as well.

What is a rule issued by a president that has the same effect as a law?

They are called executive orders , one type of which is a presidential directive.

If a person title is followed by an appositive do you capitalize the title For example John called the vice president Joe Brown OR John called the Vice President Joe Brown?

yes you capitalize all titles no matter what it is rule #1