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Q: Who was the president that was responsible for seeing that the Interstate Commerce Act which regulated railroads was passed?
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What did the interstate commerce commission regulate?

The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) regulated commercial transportation between the states: railroads, trucking, shipping, air freight; basically it regulated anything that moved goods. It originally started with the growth and development of railroads during the 19th century. The railroads in general were owned by fabulously wealthy investors, since it took a vast amount of capital to lay tracks and purchase the expensive engines and cars, the "high technology" of their day. In return for vast investments, the railroads expected vast profits, and they engaged in all sorts of unsavory tactics that were unfair to their customers. The ICC was established in 1887 following a Supreme Court decision in favor of railroads that ONLY the U.S. government could regulate interstate commerce, another blow against State's Rights. The U.S. Constitution only says the following about interstate commerce, describing the power of Congress: "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes". Everything else that has come after is the result of legislation and court decisions.

What was the Interstate Commerce Act and why was it important?

It was the first Federal law that regulated Big Business

Why is the information on the internet so unreliable?

It's not regulated

What is regulated federalism?

Regulation Z deals with the "Truth in Lending".

Is bankruptcy a legal proceeding that is regulated by the federal government?


Related questions

Which of these regulated the freight rates of railroads?

The Interstate Commerce Commission regulated the freight rates of railroads.

The Mann-Elkins Act was passed to regulate?

Railroads and communications. It strengthened the (very weak and ineffective) Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 and the Elkins Act of 1903 and the Hepburn Act of 1906 which also regulated railroads.

What did the interstate commerce commission regulate?

The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) regulated commercial transportation between the states: railroads, trucking, shipping, air freight; basically it regulated anything that moved goods. It originally started with the growth and development of railroads during the 19th century. The railroads in general were owned by fabulously wealthy investors, since it took a vast amount of capital to lay tracks and purchase the expensive engines and cars, the "high technology" of their day. In return for vast investments, the railroads expected vast profits, and they engaged in all sorts of unsavory tactics that were unfair to their customers. The ICC was established in 1887 following a Supreme Court decision in favor of railroads that ONLY the U.S. government could regulate interstate commerce, another blow against State's Rights. The U.S. Constitution only says the following about interstate commerce, describing the power of Congress: "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes". Everything else that has come after is the result of legislation and court decisions.

Which was the first industry to be regulated by the US government?


What was the first industry to be regulated by the government?

In the United States, the first industry to be regulated by the government was the railroad industry. This was done through the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887.

What was the Interstate Commerce Act and why was it important?

It was the first Federal law that regulated Big Business

Why did civil rights activists target interstate transportation in the 1960s?

To get Federal involvement through the Interstate Commerce Commission, to get cases to the US Supreme Court if necessary. (because it was regulated by the federal government) <- novaNET answer. [novanetters unite!!]

Interstate commerce act regulated what industry?

The Interstate Commerce Act regulated the railroad industry. It was passed in 1887 and aimed to regulate railroad rates and practices that were deemed unfair and discriminatory towards small businesses and farmers. It was one of the first major federal regulations on a private industry.

Why is the passage of the interstate commerce act considered a turning-point in american history?

it was the first time the U.S government regulated an industry's prices.

What branch of the federal government is responsible for auto insurance?

None, insurance is regulated by states.

Where is GLUT4 found?

GLUT4 is the insulin-regulated glucose transporter found in adipose tissues and striated muscles (skeletal and cardiac) that is responsible for insulin-regulated glucose disposal."Allows equilibrium with blood-bidirectional".

Which level of government is responsible for regulating USA payday loans?

There are two levels of government responsible for regulating payday loans. These forms of loans are regulated by the federal and state levels of government.