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Q: Who was the priest who criticized the New Deal?
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Who criticized the New Deal and why?

Republicans criticized the New Deal because it was good for the poor and middle class and a threat to their income.

Many republicans criticized the new deal for?

Many republicans criticized the New Deal for its benefit to the poor and middle class people. To the republicans, it meant a decrease in their revenue.

Conservative criticized the New Deal and the Great Society for having?

Expanded the size of the federal government

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Who was the catholic priest who didn't think the new deal was sufficient?


What priest publicly criticized the Roman Catholic Church?

Martin Luther

Who was the humanist priest who criticized corrupt popes and monks?

One humanist priest who criticized corrupt popes and monks was Martin Luther. He was a key figure in the Protestant Reformation and spoke out against practices such as the selling of indulgences by the Catholic Church.

In 1517 which German priest publicly criticized the Roman Catholic Church?

Martin Luther

Who was the Michigan catholic priest known for his pro-fascist anti new deal radio broadcasts?

Charles Coughlin was the Michigan catholic priest known for his pro-fascist, anti-New deal radio broadcasts to 40 million national fans. - American Pageant 12 Edition

What was hoover criticized for during the New Deal?

Hoover felt constrained by the traditional limits of the federal government. Basically, he was criticized for not being more like Roosevelt -- for not proposing more government intervention into the economy and not creating more government jobs and subsides.

Dutch priest who criticized the church for emphasizing pomp and ritual rather than the teachings of jesus?

Erasmus criticized Catholic Church officials for focusing on money and power instead of the spiritual needs of individuals.

How did people feel about the first New Deal?

Opinions on the first New Deal were divided. Some praised it for its efforts to address the economic crisis and provide relief and employment opportunities. Others criticized it for government overreach and excessive regulation. Overall, it was seen as a bold and controversial response to the Great Depression.