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The Prophet Daniel is an old testament prophet in the bible. He is credited with writing the book of the bible titled " Daniel" which is located between Ezekiel and Hosea. It was written approx 535 B.C. It contains some famous stories such as Daniel in the Lions den, and the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego being thrown in the Firey furnace.

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Daniel was a prophet in the Old Testament of The Bible known for his interpretations of dreams and visions, as well as his steadfast faith in God. He served in the courts of various Babylonian and Persian kings and was not afraid to stand up for his beliefs even in difficult circumstances. His prophecies are found in the Book of Daniel in the Bible and are known for their detailed predictions of future empires and events.

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Is Daniel a saint's name?

Yes, there are a number of saints named Daniel:Daniel Daniel Comboni Daniel Karmasz Daniel of Cambron Daniel of Padua Daniel of Villiers Daniel the Stylite Daniel, Anthony Daniel, Antoine

What books in the bible did Daniel write?

There were several persons called Daniel in the Bible. In 1 Chronicles, Daniel was the second son of David. Ezramentions a Daniel in the reign of Artaxerxes (465-424 BCE); Nehemiah also mentions a Daniel. Ezekiel talks of a Daniel, who lived early in the Babylonian Exile and whom it compares to Noah and Job, but Ezekiel does not say what he did or was famous for.The most important Daniel in the Bible is the main charactor in the Book of Daniel. That this could not be the same Daniel as the Daniel of Eziekiel is demonstrated by the different time periods described. Ezekiel's Daniel was much too early for the Daniel described in the Book of Daniel. The Daniel in the Book of Daniel is said to have risen to become the second most important person in the Babylonian Empire. After the Persian defeat of the Babylonian Empire, he also became the second most important person in the Persian Empire. He is described as miraculously surviving exotic execution attempts. Tradition says that Daniel actually wrote the Book of Daniel, but evidence internal to the book demonstrates that that could not be the case. Almost all scholars recognise the Book of Daniel as being written by an anonymous author during the third century BCE.

What is Daniel john ford padilla's religion?

Daniel John Ford Padilla is a Roman Catholic.

Why didn't the lions eat Daniel?

In the biblical story of Daniel and the lions' den, God protected Daniel from harm and prevented the lions from attacking him. This event is considered a miracle demonstrating God's power and protection over his faithful followers.

Where was Daniel imprisoned in the bible?

Daniel was imprisoned in Babylon, specifically in the king's palace, after being captured along with other Israelites. He was later thrown into the lions' den for defying the king's order not to pray to God, but he was miraculously saved.