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The son of Zeus was Hercules

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Q: Who was the son of Zeus that was a hero?
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What was Perseus known as?

A Greek hero and son of Zeus.

Was Zeus the father of Perseus?

No, Zeus was the father of the hero Perseus.

What is the story behind Zeus' name?

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Who was a greek hero with great strength?

Hercules, son of Zeus and Alcmena.

Does Zeus have a son in Percy Jackson?

In the new series ( The Lost hero) he has a son called Jason.

Is Poseidon's son percious or is he zeus son?

There is no "percious" in Greek myth, however Perseus, the Greek hero, was son of Zeus and Danae. Only in the "Percy Jackson and the Olympian" novels is Perseus/Percy a son of Poseidon.

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the reason was that Perseus was the son of Poseidon. Yes, Perseus is the son of Poseidon. But she named him after the son of Zeus, who was a great hero. Sally always wanted Percy (her son) to become a hero like Perseus (son of Zeus). She called him "Percy" later on, probably to make his name easer to say. -Coco

What is Hercules the god of?

He was not a god of anything, he was a demigod; a hero. His father was Zeus. After he died, some say he became a god and was the protector of mankind.

Who was hurcules?

Hercules was a hero of the ancient Greek myths. He was son of Zeus and Alcmene a young mortal.

WHICH GReek hero is the mighty hunter?

I think you are talking about Hercules, the son of Zeus, he had an abundant amount of strength.

Who is a hero that the father is Zeus?


Did Hercules killed Medusa?

No, he did not. The hero Perseus killed Medusa. Perseus was also Zeus' son but his mom was mortal.